Is the Blood Pressure Down book effective?

Home Forums Book Suggestions Is the Blood Pressure Down book effective?

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    Is the Blood Pressure Down book by Dr. Janet Brill helpful? My mom suffers from high blood pressure. She has been on prescription drugs for a long time. I am looking for some natural therapies. I have read some reviews on this new book but I’m not sure if someone’s actually tried out what the book says and seen the results. If you have read the book, please suggest if this can help. High BP can be fatal and I would really prefer if some natural diet plan can help lower this perennial problem.


    I have read Blood Pressure Down. In fact I am still reading this. I refer to this book every time I want to prepare a delicious and heart healthy recipe.

    This book’s effective. It explains the scientific causes of hypertension and suggests preventive ways to reduce blood pressure. I am following the recommended diet plans (though not fully) for past 10 days and I am feeling better.

    I recommend this book not only to people with hypertension but also to healthy ones.


    Thanks Jennifer. I will read the book.

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